Our Aims & Objectives
- To work for the socioeconomic empowerment of the weaker section of the society, poor, needy, elderly and rural development.
- Educating women to make them financially empowered, imparting skill-based training and special assistance to destitute/old/physically challenged/people.
- Educating women to make them financially empowered, imparting skill-based training and special assistance to destitute/old/physically challenged/people.
- Operation of the library in which information is made available on food processing, a cottage industry of farmers, agriculture and horticulture, milk production, poultry, and beekeeping
- Strive for Local for Vocal run by the government and ensure more participation at the district state national level.
- Connecting people with IT & computer education and providing free IT & computer education to poor children.
- Conserving the natural source of drinking water and making efforts to conserve and develop in a better way
- To set up toll-free helpline centers and to create an emergency fund to help needy people in case of emergency
- To train youth in the field of environmental protection and a pollution-free environment.
- To select unemployed youths and women for self-employment in the field of travel and make efforts to provide self-employment.
- To solve the problem of stray and destitute animals, efforts should be made solve the problem by formulating a concrete strategy with the local administration.
- To solve the problems of sheep farmers like fodder problems, problems of non-availability of wool, and insurance-related problems of cattle and help them to solve other problems of sheep farmers.
- To spread awareness among members and the public against social evils i.e. HIV, gender injustice, corruption, drug addiction, environmental conditions, child labor, illiteracy, and contemporary issues, etc.
- To work for the development of youth and the reconstruction of the nation. To arrange grants for coaching especially to the youth to succeed in their career
- Working for tribal rights. To encourage the exchange of ideas and techniques among different tribal societies